Is your engine on the way out? If it’s already kicked the bucket, then case closed - however, there are a number of other indicators that your engine is about to go, even if it’s still running at the moment. From Pinckney's Auto Repair Center in Pinckney, MI, here are some signs of trouble that predict an imminent engine failure is in the cards for your car, truck, or SUV.
Once you know what's in your transmission, and what’s connected to it, it’s much easier to understand how it works. Let's take a look at how it all comes together. At Pinckney's Auto Repair Center in Pinckney, MI, we want to make sure you know how your car works so you can keep it in great condition.
If you drive a Porsche, BMW, Mercedes, Subaru, Land Rover, or other luxury or performance vehicle, you’re no stranger to the bells and whistles of the modern automobile. For the past couple of decades, these cars have nearly all been equipped with ABS, or Anti-lock Braking Systems. You may never think about ABS - until the light comes on the dashboard.
Automatic transmissions aren’t easily understood outside of specialists like those at Pinckney's Auto Repair Center in Pinckney, MI. While it would be impossible to teach you enough to make you a transmission expert in a series of articles, what we can do is give you the fundamental knowledge you need to have a good idea of what your transmission is doing, and how it works.
While your exhaust system helps reduce noise output from your vehicle, it also significantly reduces harmful emissions from being released into the air. When your muffler and exhaust system are functioning properly, it significantly reduces your vehicle's harmful impact on the environment. It also significantly improves the functionality of your vehicle and improve fuel mileage for your car, truck, SUV or Jeep.
An exhaust system is made up of numerous parts that work together to rid your car of the exhaust gases that are created during the combustion cycle, as your engine burns fuel. Each part of your exhaust system has an important role to play in removing exhaust gases away from the engine as quickly as possible, allowing another cycle of combustion to begin. The more quickly and efficiently an exhaust system does this the more efficiently an engine can run. The main parts of an exhaust system are an exhaust manifold, catalytic converter, oxygen sensors, exhaust pipes, and the muffler.
Your fleet or commercial vehicles are heavy duty machines that see a lot of wear and tear. When your engine mounts begin to fail, sometimes it feels like the whole vehicle is falling apart. Get your vehicle back into shape with the professional technicians at Pinckney's Auto Repair Center in Pinckney, MI.
At Pinckney's Auto Repair Center in Pinckney, MI, we understand that driving style affects your vehicle’s performance and reliability. You probably know that frequent, hard acceleration is bad for your engine and transmission, but what about speed?
Exhaust issues are extremely common, no matter what type of car, truck, or SUV you drive. At Pinckney's Auto Repair Center in Pinckney, MI, we can get your exhaust back in shape in no time.
Exhaust issues tend to be neglected, and we get that; there are just other parts of your vehicle that you'd rather focus on. Besides a clogged catalytic converter, there isn’t much risk of damage from a bad exhaust system - it negatively affects your gas mileage, and the sound is annoying, but other than that, it’s an issue many people learn to live with.
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Pinckney, MI 48169
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